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4.2 ( 1152 ratings )
Productiviteit Financiën
Developer: Fees s.r.l.

Keep track of your expenses in a matter of seconds! Take a photo of your receipt or upload it directly from your photo library, assign a category and let Fees collect all the details.

From the dashboard, you can filter your expenses by date, purchase category, and by type (such as warranty, tax credit or expense report) so that you wont lose track of your expenses any longer! Fees allows you to store any receipt, from the dinner at your favorite restaurant to the warranty paid for your new smartphone. In today’s world, where it’s essential to have access to your data right away, Fees will help you achieve this goal: your receipts are saved in the cloud and always accessible from your personal account. Fees is a completely free application that offers the following functions:

- OCR software to digitize your receipts;
- Unlimited Cloud space for photos and PDFs;
- Creation and management of custom categories;
- Set and filter the receipt type, such as warranty, tax credit, or expense report;
- Smart dashboard views by date and purchase category;
- Share your receipts with friends, relatives or with your employer/company;